Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday I was thinking. Ya know, I do that a lot.
Anyways, I was thinking about peaks and valleys. Brokenness and community.
I want to lead a life where, amongst the brokenness and chaos in the world, I strive to hold on to community.
Community is a necessity in this world. Without it, where would we be? We weren't made to go through this life alone.
So then I was thinking...throughout life we travel a journey plagued with valleys and graced with peaks. They both make us appreciate the other and help us learn from each part of our journey.
I was thinking though...there are so many people in the world that are in a valley they don't feel they can climb out of. It's too steep.
I want to climb down from my peaks and help people out of their valleys. Help them climb. Give them that extra push or a hand to hold onto for support. Carry them if I need to.
Isn't that part of community? Supporting and encouraging one another? Helping when it's needed?
Not to be cheesy or cliche, but I think that's what Jesus would do.
I hope this finds you on a peak, overlooking the beauty that is life. But, if this finds you in a valley, I hope you know it's okay to accept a helping hand to emerge from the darkness that surrounds you.
May God's love be with you. Always.

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