Thursday, October 27, 2011

Created with purpose: lessons through observation.

Last night, on our walk back to the car and on our drive home, I spent a lot of time observing those around me. As I listened to the conversation happening among the people I was with, I watched people. Kids, couples, young, old. I watched. And I listened. What did I see? What did I hear?


I saw Him in the little girl sitting in her stroller shouting "Clouds, clouds go away!" over and over again.
In the two girls entering their dorm room, laughing together.
In the woman sitting by herself at a crowded cafe.
In the man leaning against the wall, headphones on, singing. Not to mention the super fly jacket he had on.
In the couple walking by the Convention Center, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, smiling.
In the older gentleman who stood, leaning against a newspaper box, whistling a tune and swinging his cane along to the tune. Smiling as he tried to open the trash can with the bottom of his cane.
In the little boy who exclaimed "HEY GUYS!" as his mother pushed him down the street in his stroller.
These and countless others. They were on my mind last night.

I've always been a fan of observing others. Call me a creeper, that's okay. I think there's a lot to learn from those around me. A lot to be reminded of. And looking at those people last night, I was reminded of God's amazing love for us. A love that no other love can compare to. A perfect, pure, genuine, truly unconditional love. It made me think about all the work God poured into creating each and every one of us, unique and with purpose. I imagined His hands. Forming us from the dirt, putting thought into each and every detail. Breathing life into us. And guiding us, as no one else can. From the very beginning, always being by our sides.

A few years back, I was in a place where I thought I'd run from God. Someone wise and lovely reminded me that you can't run from God...God isn't in one place. He is everywhere. I find comfort in that. And last night, I found comfort in the fact that God has created each and everyone of us with a purpose. That we are all His children, and so no matter what sort of journey we are on, whether it be one of joy or sorrow, an uphill climb or a downward spiral, God is with us, and we are all connected through His unending love.

I hope this finds you well tonight, and I hope that you know that you are dearly loved.


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